EASS Open/Novice Qualifier Trial
Pre-entry only: £7.50 for members of the EASS, £10.00 for non-members. Entries made after 15th August will not be accepted. Entries will open on April 1st.
This is a charity trial on behalf of MacMillan Cancer Support. All entries will be donated to the charity.
Trial Organiser: Lucy Allison
Course Director: TBC
Judge: TBC
A maximum of 2 dogs per handler can be run.
Your entry will not be complete until payment has been made.
Prior to the trial, running orders will be posted on our Facebook page and our website.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at trials@eass.org.uk
Did you know you can become a member for just £25 per year and get your entries for only £7.50 per entry for the rest of the year?
Spectators are welcome!